Contact details
Parkowa 3
tel./fax + 48 67 283 33 66
mobile: 502 329 573
Course of therapy
Two-week camp is the first phase of therapy, when rules necessary for fluent speech are given. It is a come back to nature, to natural breathing and articulation of sounds without stuttering.
The therapy is family in nature, so the participants practice with their relatives. The everyday classes take 8 hours a day.
Starting from the second day of the therapy, the classes are based on the silence without hearing own stuttering. It is also about forgetting the stuttering while learning the new rules. Well prepared participants, understanding the idea of the actions learn the bases of the new fluent speech like small children in ontogenesis of speech for the few first days.
Each day new elements are introduced to the therapy. First day of exercises is devoted to learning proper breathing and proper sound production. Next day the patients learn how to produce the sound that are "tricky" for them. After some time there are no "difficult sounds", all can be trained to perfection.
During first couple of days the participants learn also how to relax the excessive tensions, so the relaxed body can make the speech calmer. The ability to reduce stress is valuable for everyone, also the relatives, in future lives after the completed therapy, too.
For the whole year this way all participants will be overcoming their fear of speech while they go shopping, to the Offices, asking passers-by different questions.
Majority of them associated such situations with advanced stuttering, feeling ashamed, humiliated. Now, when they know, what to do to avoid blocks even in the most difficult situations in life, they stop being afraid of speaking. Even those, who have not gone shopping, visited offices, made calls for several years stop being afraid of these activities after some time. Participants get the permission to speak according to rules without the logopedist's supervision after many terrain tests and phone calls. An important part of the therapy is introducing the dominant hand, which sends impulses to the speech center and coordinates all parts of speech. Three-month period of slower speech serves the purpose of automatizing the new habits. Just before the 13-day therapy is completed no-one stutters, everyone knows what to do to speak fluently. At home everyone strengthen the exercises that allowed them to speak fluently. To control the progress made at the therapy, the group meets every month for a year, which also motivates them to work systematically. Majority of patients complete the therapy after a year. Many forget they have ever stuttered.